Sunday, January 15, 2006

Already finished

Ca y est le Dakar est fini. Belle année pour cette magnifique épreuve, trois morts, pas de star de la chanson francaise à cheveux longs mais bon, on fait avec. C'est beau de voir des camions russes dans le sable. Vivement l'année prochaine.

- N*E*R*D* - She wants to move (Justice Remix)
- Frank Ski - There're some hoes in this house
- Diplo - Party Helicopter <= The song of the week end

Here it is the Dakar race is over. Good year for this marvellous race, three dead, no french music star with long hair but hey, we've got to do with it. That's beautiful to see russian trucks in the sand. I can't wait for next year.

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